Weaponry & Equipment

Equipment Sources

There are three principal ways to obtain equipment for your Moga. First, you can take advantage of the idle reward system. The higher your level, the more advanced the equipment you can earn. Another option is to participate in the Endless Trial. In this challenge, you'll continue battling until you lose. The further you get, the better the potential rewards. And then the last main source for equipment are the Boss Trials. Face more difficult bosses for a chance to get higher-level equipment.

Equipment Type

There are four different types of equipment currently available: Stone, Cloak, Scroll, and Ring. MOGA can equip one piece from each category at a time.

Equipment Quality/Color

All equipment has a quality level, indicated by the color of the background: Red, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, White. If a piece of equipment has a Red, Orange, or Purple background, it is an NFT and can be bought, sold, or traded on the Marketplace. It is also rarer and has higher stats.

Blue, Green, and White equipment, on the other hand, is more common. Because these lower-level equipment types are not NFTs, they can be salvaged for their components. The Stellarite you receive from destroying these non-NFTs can then be used to strengthen other equipment.

Equipment Sets

High-level equipment not only has better base attributes, it can also be collected to form sets. Moga will receive additional stat bonuses when they have a complete set equipped.

Equipment Actions

There are four main actions that can be performed on the equipment you own:

  1. Upgrade your equipment to increase its base stats

  2. Reforge your equipment if you're unhappy with its starting attributes

  3. Salvage (non-NFT) equipment and collect Stellarite

  4. Reset your equipment to level one for free and get back 100% of the resources you invested in it.

Last updated